Hot Under the Collar

No, not angry. At least, I’m not. But that sun sure is! Here’s a quick update on the state of things after last night’s storms, amid a heatwave.

Guess Why I’m Excited!

We made it to the other side of the storm of a generation. Yay! But the actual reason I’m excited is that most of my veggie garden seeds came. It’s one of my favorite times of year.

Cold and Bacon

I’m still eating freshly ripening tomatoes from a bag. An ugly food pic and a few Sunday thoughts over said tomatoes.

Tomato Supports

My unused wire tomato cages are gradually being repurposed as support for overly large houseplants, and shorter garden veggies. For tomatoes, they worked well for about a month or two of the first season I bought them. Do determinate varieties even stay in these things?

Spring Rush

Household and veggies alike rebelling against the hurry up and wait of spring.