The breadbox was empty, so this morning there was an extra task. It gave me repetitive-work moments to think about the beehive parts I need to prepare and to make, what to do if all of the eggs in the incubator hatch, and how I keep forgetting to buy the three additional hog panels my garden needs.
Category: Quail
Laying Season
I haven’t seen a full egg skelter in months. What a welcome site! Along with the assurance that we won’t have to have sadness oats for any breakfasts is the go-ahead to make bread from my favorite eggs-included recipe.
First Sand Bath
The chicks are three weeks old, and today they got their first sand bath.
Easy Time Since Hatch
It’s been an easy time since these chicks hatched. A dream!
Sixteen Chicks Richer
There are sixteen new little blessings running around the brooder.
Happy Birthday, Little Ones!
Yesterday and the day before, these twenty-one hatched. The last one went into the brooder today. All are doing very well so far.
August Market Day
The farmer’s market was so colorful yesterday! Saturday markets are wonderfully social, as well. The crisp, fresh air of the season makes it even better.
Incubating Late Summer Eggs
My two mean hens have calmed down enough that I want to add a few more hens to their pen before winter.
Freezing Eggs
Here is probably the simplest way to store shell eggs for months.