A Hatch Update

The one-week-old chicks graduated to pine bedding today, and grippy shelf liner on the tops of the heat plates.


I started this post on New Year’s Eve. Then, I restarted it. And again, multiple times as the numbers changed. There are currently twenty chicks in the brooder and one fluffing up in the incubator. What a start to a new year!

Hatching Day

A couple of quail chicks have pipped, but none have hatched. This is the day when I would expect a hatch, so I’m dreaming of tiny chicks zooming around the brooder.

Cold and Bacon

I’m still eating freshly ripening tomatoes from a bag. An ugly food pic and a few Sunday thoughts over said tomatoes.

Thirty Five

We’re going into winter with thirty five quail, and even if there are too many roosters, the number means warmth.