The coturnix chicks that hatched on and just after New Year’s Eve have all made it to nearly adulthood. What characters!
Author: Chell
Colorful Rosetta Chicks
The quail chicks are two weeks old. I’m surprised at all of the different colors in this batch of Rosetta chicks. Gorgeous!
A Hatch Update
The one-week-old chicks graduated to pine bedding today, and grippy shelf liner on the tops of the heat plates.
I started this post on New Year’s Eve. Then, I restarted it. And again, multiple times as the numbers changed. There are currently twenty chicks in the brooder and one fluffing up in the incubator. What a start to a new year!
Hatching Day
A couple of quail chicks have pipped, but none have hatched. This is the day when I would expect a hatch, so I’m dreaming of tiny chicks zooming around the brooder.
Frozen Drinkers
Well, that’s not drinkable water.
Quail Egg Cartons
Ohhh… the cartons are so tiny, they’re cute!
Cold and Bacon
I’m still eating freshly ripening tomatoes from a bag. An ugly food pic and a few Sunday thoughts over said tomatoes.
Thirty Five
We’re going into winter with thirty five quail, and even if there are too many roosters, the number means warmth.