There are several reputable sources for heirloom garden seeds. As many garders do, I have my favorites.
This batch is from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. One more pepper variety (Olly) and two varieties of potatoes are coming from High Mowing Seeds. Seed potatoes don’t ship until spring. I had already planted music garlic from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange in the fall. These are all excellent sources of reliable heirloom seeds.
Several sources online have suggested using a photo album as seed storage. I purchased a three-ring binder and some 4×6 photo inserts, and it works great! No more random, messy stashes of seeds.
The temporary hoop house I rigged together in the fall is going to be a bucket garden. Menards has five-gallon buckets made with #2 plastic for a reasonable price. I’ll drill holes in the bottom, mix soil differently than for wooden raised beds, and hopefully have an extended growing season for some of the veggies.
We’re currently in a blizzard warning, and the gardens are hiding under a thick blanket of snow. With the garden seeds organized, I’ll continue to daydream about spring while cutting parts for the additional beehive.