Bees · Gardening


Minnesota just got hit with below freezing overnight temps. Our weather is so moody. This was horrible timing, as my package of bees came last week. I had hived them a couple of beautifully warm days before the chill.

I’ve been stressing over them since. Have had to open the hive multiple times to feed different types of food. The golden rule of no sugar water in the hive when the temps are below 40°F, combined with a couple of overnight dips into the 20’s was not good. Now they have fondant on the top bars, and will have to get by on that for one more cold night.

I made a hive wrap out of Reflectix and Velcro. The handles on the boxes create airspace between the wrap and the hive, which should be increasing the effectiveness of the wrap. For next winter, maybe I’ll use doubled up/sealed Reflectix with insulation sandwiched between the layers. I’ll just let the Warre hive design do the rest.

We have to get to next winter first. That’s me, stressing some more. For a bit of hope, these industrious Carniolans have been finding pollen somewhere, even in temps in the 40’s and 50’s.

The cattle panel greenhouse is doing beautifully. It’s toasty in there. Will make shelves for it this upcoming week or two. The greenhouse and the raised bed hoops have kept quite a few plants from freezing. Including some pretty Mother’s Day surprises.

Speaking of Mother’s Day, my daughter also surprised me with a bench, from which we can view the yard while chitchatting and drinking Caribou Coffee beverages. I have a great appreciation for all of the above.

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