Bees · Gardening

Smoke and Water

bee stuff
bee stuff

A bit more bee stuff came today. Is it weird that I get super excited over the fact that the gloves fit and the smoker is intact?

I want to be ready on the very, very slim chance that a swarm will be drawn to the hive this spring. I’ve got a couple of wooden runners for a “stand,” and just need cinder blocks for that.

Menards is a great store for tools and bits and bobs. I did get tired of picking through their cracked, cradled “quality” boards, and customer service really was no help on this. But it worked out, because I ventured back into Home Depot, and found that their lumber is top-notch. Great service, and I almost do a Snoopy dance after each visit. Why? Because they cut lumber, after actually taking the time to measure. Which is excellent for the two by’s that I’m collecting for raised garden beds. Makes it fit in the car. I really miss my truck. Maybe it’s time to look for another old fixer upper.

The wood for the raised beds has currently taken over the dining room. It was in the garage, which is now an indoor swimming pool. Two inches of standing water. We got a lot of snow over the winter. Spring thaw… yay! And boo!

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